The International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA) is an organization founded by a number of people who trained with Davanloo in the 1980s, including Leigh McCullough, Diana Fosha, Patricia Coughlin, and others. It has served as an umbrella organization for ISTDP and other therapies which have grown from or have some kinship with Davanloo’s experientially-based psychodynamic psychotherapy.
The IEDTA sponsors a conference every two years, alternating (so far) between North America and Europe. The 2016 conference will take place November 3-5 in Amsterdam.
This is the best place there is to be exposed to a wide variety of styles of ISTDP, and also related therapies such as McCullough’s Affect Phobia model. Everyone who presents (and I will be one of the presenters this year, along with many of the senior figures in the field) shows video of their work.
More information is available at the IEDTA website (link above) or at the conference website,